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LIFE 日々想うこと


ICTを利用するとき、ひとはどう活動するか。それを考えさせられた出来ごと。When we use ICT, how do we ourselves act? Here is a story which made us think about it. → READ MORE.
LIFE 日々想うこと

WHATEVER: 何を言ってもいい

えぇ親は、えぇ大人は、こういうことは言わない... えぇひとって、窮屈だなぁ。もっと「自分」のままでも、えぇんちゃんかな... "A good parent or adult never says this..." Phew, becoming a good person makes us ill at ease. Can we be just "ourselves"? → READ MORE.

CHAOS: わちゃわちゃ

子どもの「したい!」は魅力的♡ すぐにではなくとも、必ず叶えられるよう心がける。Children's "wishes" are so lovely♡ Even not soon, but we keep those in mind and sometime later, let them make them. → READ MORE.
LIFE 日々想うこと

MESSAGE: 嬉しいお便り

月の美しい夜のお話。This is a story at a night, with the beautiful moon.→ READ MORE.