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CHAOS: はちゃめちゃする

ARTS アートのお話


みんなで はちゃめちゃした後


In a workshop, I proposed “to subtract things”

after we added a lot to a plain stage.


それがすごくおもしろくて みんなで唸る

It was a so interesting attempt, that impressed us all.  



先の「2」があったからこそだなぁ… と



Let’s evaluate the finished work as “1”.

It became so after we produced “2”.

If we headed for the “1” from the beginning,

it would end up with “0.6 or 0.7”.



そして はちゃめちゃを許す機会を!!

(特に 学びの場では重要だ)

Create chaos♫ and allow it in life!!

(Esp. in learning, it’s essential.)


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