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CREATIVITY: 実と虚のバランス

ARTS アートのお話

お便りには ビジネス&遊びが重なる

Both business and play are merged in mails.


「実」と「虚」について 想う

対立するものではなく 一対であって      


両者のバランスが 生きるに必要なのだと

About “real” and “imagery”,

they are not opposite but in one.

We need both in balance, to live,

not only the better. 


現実の世界に追われていては 息苦しくなる


周りの求める自分像に合わせるのに 必死で壊れた

虚構の世界に救いを求め… 囚われ 自分を生きられなくなった

嘘を重ね 称賛と感嘆の声に安心した

It’s suffocating to be driven by reality.

At junior high, my world was only home and school.

I tried hard to meet requested images and got overwhelmed.

So, I flew into an imaginary world… lying and lying,

I received more praise and admiration.

They sounded comfortable as if forgiving my inferiority.


And… I lost myself.


そして 化けの皮が剝がれることに 怯えていた

虚飾された自分に 本当は 少しも安らぎはなかった

I was afraid when the truth was revealed.

Falsity in me never eased me.


時を経て クリエイティブな活動に身を委ねるうちに

本来の自分を取り戻してきた 全く 自分は自分でしかない

そしてそこに 非実用的な芸術思考もある

As time went on, I put myself deeply in creative activities.

This helped me to redeem the truth in me. Indeed, I am just me.

Here, the impractical artistic thinking is located too.



実利を求めて働くことと 合わせて



The reason why we have two different types of brains,

the left and right, is probably

because we need to relish another world in us

as well as to work for this world utility. 


どちらかではなく どちらも 暮らしに備える

そして 自分を保てるバランスをとる

Not either of them, but both are prepared for life.

So, keep both and take balance in you.


それが 生の学びである

It is the lesson in your life.




実はこれ まずは大人が絵本を楽しむワークショップ


→ このワークショップについては こちら

This thought came down on me

when I planned a workshop with picture books♫

Anything can be a guide to our lives.