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LIFE 日々想うこと

日本のお盆供養が 好きだ

祖先を迎え 家族と語らう時間♡

宗教どうのではなく その心根が粋だ


We love the midyear service Bon-Kuyo in Japan.

Then, the most of the Japanese people try to stay with family,

even welcoming the ancestors back home♡

It’s not a matter of religion, but of one’s heart. Adorable.

We’d love to keep this tradition. 


PHOTO: 13本のお線香を 玄関先に置き 

祖先が迷わず帰って来られるよう 目印をつくる

(お線香が 庭土に付くようにする)

We set 13 incenses in the front of the house.

Those are landmarks for our ancestors to come home safely.

(The incenses are touching the garden soil, in actual.) 





そこに 大笑いしているふたりがいる

もちろん 笑えないこともあっただろう 

だが 仲睦まじく添い遂げた と


Our long united grandparents passed away

one after the other in these years.

Seeing old albums,

we found them laughing loud.

Certainly, it wasn’t always in their lives.

Though, to me their grandchild,

they looked one of the best couples on earth. 


それは わたし達夫婦の結婚式での写真だった

… 嬉しいなぁ…♡

ふたりのように 笑っていこう♡

The photos were of our wedding. How grateful…♡

We’ll keep on smiling like our grandparents♡




何かを創れるって とても幸せだ

What a great honour 

to pray and make something 

for the ancestors♫




手を合わせるだけでも 祖先を想うだけでも…

ぜひ そんな時間を持ってみて♡

Do you have a service like the above, in your culture?

Even just praying for your ancestors at heart,

please try it for yourself♡