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EARTH: 土の健康

AROMA アロマと健康

大きな柊(ひいらぎ)の葉!! 山育ちはすごいっ!!

Look at these big Holly leaves!!

Brought up in a mountain is so powerful!! 


“You are what your food eats.”

“You are what you eat.” が よく知れるところになって

次はこれ!! 正にまさに… そうだなぁ…

“You are what you eat.” is well known now.

The next is this!! Yes indeed… exactly…


つまり 動物にとっての草木 

その植物にとっての土!! そこを微生物の棲み処に戻す

農薬をまき散らすのではなく 土を肥やす

そしてそこに その土地にあった 多種多様な草花を生やす

本来の自然のすがたに 還す!!

That is to get the land back 

to the home of bacteria!!, on which plants become happier 

and so do animals eating them.

In this way, not scattering fertilisers, enrich the earth.

Then, plant various flowers suitable for the place.

Let the nature return to its normal!!


土が 生命力あふれる動植物を育てる

そして より栄養価の高い食物を わたし達に回してくれる

The earth grows the plants and animals, full of vitality.

We humans receive those with higher nutrition. 


土の健康… すごく興味深い♡

Earth health… is an essential theme for us♡



そういえば… 五行説で 


By the way… in Five Element Theory,

Earth indicates our “Digestive Organs”… wow!!



<Reference 参考文献>

‘Why we should care about what our food eats’

posted on 31 January 2022, on BBC REEL