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LIFE 日々想うこと

日々 感動していますか?

What’s moved you today?



つまり まず感じることが肝心

To be moved, you need to sense it.

For it, look around and recognise the things being there.


感じるには 観ること・氣づくこと


たとえぶ厚い雪雲のすき間から 突如


外の景色に 感動することはない

Without your perceptions,

even when angel’s ladders appear suddenly

in thick snow clouds,

you’re never attracted by the view outside.




そのひとを想い(感じ)動くことが 必要となる

Also, to move somebody

you need to think of (and feel) the person close

and act for him/ her.


子どものためのワークショップ笑Mでは 毎年

6か月たっぷりかけて 舞台を創る

In one of our workshops with children,

we take 6 months to create a stage every year.





What do you want

the audience (the family) to feel

and witness there? 


この意識が入るだけで 取り組みかたが変わる

These wishes improve much their engagement.





伝えようと一生懸命な姿が 愛おしくて 頼もしくて

目を奪われる そう 観てしまう

Even when the expressions are too inadequate

to pass 100% of the message,

still they successfully grab the audience’s hearts.

The positive attitudes look so lovely and honest to the audience.

The eyes can’t resist them.


すると何かしら 感じてくる

次から次に 内に湧き上がってくる

Meanwhile, the audience feel something.

One after another emotion pops in them.


そうして感じるほど 心は動く

揺れほぐされ それが笑いとなり 涙となる

More they feel, more the hearts warm.

Rocked and eased, they laugh and tear.



感動するにも 感動させるにも


Both to be moved and to move somebody

require you to think of the Other (things and people).



舞台づくりは そこに馴れるのにちょうどいい♫ 

Stage making is just effective to learn it♫   

「笑M 遊びと表現の研究」については こちら