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RIGHT BRAIN: 右脳の素晴らしい世界

AROMA アロマと健康


TED TALK「脳卒中体験を語る」を観る


I watched TED TALK ‘My Stroke of Insight”

by Neuroanatomist JILL BOLTE TAYLOR.

It’s so terrific!!




右脳の世界 左脳の働きを

自らの体験をもとに 解き明かしていく

As a brain researcher, she observed

herself losing the functions of left hemisphere at stroke

and told us the extraordinary experience.


印象に残ったのは 右脳は「今がすべて」ということ

The best part in her speech, to me, was

“right brain is all about RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW”.


今ここにある すべてのエネルギーと

つながろうとする 右脳

導かれるまま その「宇宙」を漂う♪

とても完璧で 美しく やさしい宇宙を!!

情報処理に追われる 左脳にはない広がりに魅了されながら…

With right brain, our beings are connected

with all energy around us RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.

Drifted by it, she went further into the “universe”♪

Into the perfect beautiful affectionate universe!!

She was amazed by the enormous expansion

that left brain, busy with organising all data, never projects. 


そしてそこで 「平和な世界」に出逢う すごいっ!

There, she got into “PEACE”. WOW!





右脳を働かすアート活動は こちらから♫

Wishing for such a gracious universe.

For our artwork effective to right brain, click here