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TO “SIMPLE BEAUTY”: 「引きの美学」の前に

ARTS アートのお話

子どもワークショップの後で 保護者と話す


The other day I talked with the parents

of participants at 6-12 in my workshops.

Then, they were very impressed by my opinion



about “simplicity: aesthetics of subtraction”

which comes from “ZEN”.



成長するにつれ 自分の尺度だけで考え動く


As the children grow up, they get more worried

about the children’s “overdoing things” out of social measure.


確かに「引く」ことも 時には要る

Yes, sometimes we need to “drop” it.


ただそれは 「足す」ができてからのお話

しっかり足されないまま 引いては 創造性が消される

まずは「足す」 足して足して 足していく!!

Though, it’s after they “challenge” enough.

Otherwise, creativity is also dropped before something’s created.

We need to start with “addition”. Try things, again and again!!  


正直 わたしの目には… 未だ足せる状態にこども達はいる!!

Actually, in my point of view… the children can do more!!        




自然と 「引く」の魅力へと導かれる

When “addition” is done enough,

naturally one shifts to the charm of “subtraction”.



算数も 足し算の基礎あっての引き算だ

In mathematics too,

subtraction comes after addition. 




お父さん& お母さん 想いっきり遊ばしてやってください

To parents, please let your children play fully as they like. 



子どもWS「笑M 遊びと表現の研究」については    こちら

We’re happy to have workshops for kids & teens.→ contact us here♫