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BOREDOM: 退屈の価値

LIFE 日々想うこと

どんな状態でも どの子どもも可愛いっ!!

心底 自分は子ども(ひと)が好きなんだ と想う日々

All children are just so lovely, in any state!!

Day by day, love for children (people) is arising in us.        


“あるCMで 「退屈は犯罪です」と

退屈こそ 創造性を育むのになぁ…


皆が時間を詰める 退屈はデジタルが埋める”

“An advertisement says “boredom is a crime”.

But, it’s boredom that helps to grow your creativity…

Now, we don’t have enough boredom.

More people fill the schedule. More digital kills boredom.”


from Keiko’s blog posted on the 笑M 遊びと表現の研究 site.





In work with children,

we see some stuck in “I’ve done it before”.  


大事なのは そこから

「どう 新たに愉しんでいけるか」

それはつまり… 「自分がどう関わるか」

The essential thing is after that:

“How can you update the joy at every single moment?”

That is… “how can you deal with (this of) your life?”


これが その子の持久力や忍耐力を養う

This fosters the child’s tenacity and resilience.



「やったことある」と すぐ飽きて

わやわや ぼへーっ 退屈をもてあます 笑っ

Those children with “I’ve done it already” get bored soon

and inactive after bits of complaints. Phew… haha




関わり続けていくと 必ず戻ってくる

Still, we talk all anyhow. We keep them involved.

Then, they come back… always. Yes, always.


特に 続けている子が


問いかけたり 助けを求めたりしたときは 頼もしい!!

Especially when a child, who carries on working, asked for help

like “what can I do here?”, they become so reliable!!




またその暢氣さが 希望をくれる

Their carefree minds bring on hope, full of fresh ideas

(unconsciously) explored in the boredom.



もちろんこれは 関係がしっかり構築されていてこそ

それは LOVEACEの得意とするところ

Certainly, this is possible only in an amicable relation,

which we LOVEACE are good at.



ともかく 退屈は決して悪くない!! 


Anyway, boredom is not bad at all!!

Boredom is worthy a treat.    





「笑M 遊びと表現の研究」のご案内は こちら

We can arrange a workshop to your children,

feel free to contact us here.