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EDUCATION: これからの教育

LIFE 日々想うこと

自由に描いていいが 与えられるのは1枚の紙と絵の具だけ

あとはまわりの自然や自分を使って お好きに♡

このルールは守りつつ 沢山話しながらワークを進める♫

なんと 温かくクリエイティブな時間か!!

It’s fine to draw/ paint however one likes.

Though, only a piece of paper and watercolours are provided.

Then, one can play free e.g. with natural items around and one’s own♡

With this rule, we carried work forwards. We were chattier♫

What a warm and creative time!!


「いいよいいよ 好きなようにしたらいいよ」で

ひとをダメにした ここ数十年の教育から そろそろ脱却しないか

世界的に 大いに甘やかされた子どもにつきあうために

おとなが疲れ 悲鳴をあげている

そしてそのしわ寄せは こどもに来る…

In the last few decades, we spoiled ourselves

saying “OK, OK, do whatever you like”. It’s time to move on, isn’t it?

Globally, adults have been knackered and yelling

at the result that they have to deal with the youth too indulged.

And what is worse, the problem falls on the shoulders of our children…




“For our children” we work, and work.

Then, the most essential matter for them is lost:

to create “a happy home together”.


「無理はするな だけど… 努力や我慢にも価値はある」 

少し貧しくても少しあほでも あたたかい家庭が応援してくれたら

ひとは生きていく!! 笑顔で 成長の道を自ら拓いていく!!

“Don’t push yourself too hard.

But… effort and patience have value.”

One can live happy when warm cheers come from the family

even though they are poorer or lower class!!

One can break any wall in the way, with smile!!


モノじゃない こどもには環境を与える

好きなだけ だらだらすることをゆるすんじゃない 

本氣で好きなら 本氣でさせる

必要なものも 自分でつかみ取れ!!

Give children not things, but environments.

Never allow them to be lazy as long as they want.

Let them pursue a matter they love.

They can earn what they need, by themselves!! 


こころ温かく ルールはきびしく

そして おとなも守れ!! (きっと問題はここ…)

Have a heart of gold. But, be strict about rules.

For certain, adults must keep them first!!

(Probably, the problem comes from here…)



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