WELCOME to LOVEACE: ラヴィースのブログにようこそ♡

GRACE: 優しさは強さ

LIFE 日々想うこと

この量を ほぼおひとりで作られている!!

These are cooked, almost by a person!! 



開店時刻に入ったのに 既にお持ち帰り注文があるらしく

鉄板の上には 6,7枚のお好み焼き!!

Here is a very popular Japanese pancake store♫

Just at the opening when we arrived,

several pancakes were already on the iron plates

as they received the take away orders!!  


注文からできるまでには 既に30分かかるとのこと

だけど その手際の美しさに見惚れて

待ち時間が 全く苦痛じゃない!! むしろありがたい♡

So even to eat in, it took at least 30 min. from the order.

Though, attracted by the exquisite handling

we didn’t feel any pain to wait. Rather, we were grateful for it♡


そして何より てんやわんやなのに

スタッフは やわらかい言葉遣いを続ける… 

そのことが とても胸に沁みいり


What it more, even in such a hectic time,

the staff kept a mild voice…

This inspired us

and grabbed our hearts♡ 


すごいっ!! かっこいい!!

How terrific!! How cool!!



裏にいる おばあちゃんスタッフが 

「これ 読めん!! 何が要るん?」「これ未だ?」

想ったときに 想ったことを言う

An old staff in the kitchen behind spoke

whenever any thoughts popped in the mind:

“I can’t read this!! What you want?” “Don’t you take these yet?”.




そんなおばあちゃんスタッフに やさしく応える

それが本当にやさしくて すごく逞しい♫

Other staff moved constantly from one place to another,

answered a flood of calls, and meanwhile

responded the old staff so gently!!

Every generous word made the staff so reliable♫  


「あ そうね♫ はいはぁい♫」 

おばあちゃんスタッフも 安心している

“Oh I see♫ OK OK♫”

The old staff got back at ease.



笑顔が多いし 業務が速く回っていく…

イライラしても しかたない

ミスが増え 眉間のしわが濃くなるだけ…

In the end, being kind to people so

brings the whole workplace smiles and efficiency…

It’s never with irritation,

which only increases mistakes

and wrinkles between your eyebrows… 



やさしさって 一見なよなよしているようだが

本当のやさしさって 大変さを堪え

ひとを守り 笑顔を増やす 強さだ!! そう学んだ

One’s grace possibly looks weak,

but real one allows us to bear hardship,

protect others and raise smiles. It’s a power!! So we saw.





We were so in luck

as we obtained such a great lesson

before having the pancakes♫