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MUSEUM: 美術館での過ごしかた

ARTS アートのお話

須藤玲子氏率いる「NUNO」の展示 at 猪熊弦一郎現代美術館

An exhibition of “NUNO” led by Ms. Reiko Sudo

at MIMOCA, Kagawa, Japan


魅せられて 唯ただそこにいる


Just being held there, fascinated.

Do you spend such a time?



Arts heal people.


ただし 「芸術だ!!」と構えたり

慌ただしく流し見したりするのでは 難しい

ほわんとゆったり 唯ただ観るのである

But then, we are not under pressure of “ARTS!!”

nor in a rush, only glancing them over. These diminish the effect.

Just have the time to see them tender.




唯ただそこで 観ていればいい

No need to be a good critic

nor a presenter who proves “the glittering life”.

You, just be there

and absorb the gift in front. 


するとそのうち 安らいでいく

身もこころも ほんわりゆるんでいる

こころに空間ができ 何もないのに充ちている



After a while, you feel ease.

Both your inside and out become relaxed.

Your heart holds a space, not occupied by any but fulfilled.

It’s as if all dirt is blown away

and new air has come in. 



氣づけば かなりの時間が経つ

When you get aware of such change on you,

quite a long time has already passed.  




It’s such a very, very beautiful time.

It’s definitely a healing time.   




展示品を堪能する時間は ひとそれぞれだ

だが せわしないひとが多い  

美術館で「休む」感覚を ぜひっ!!

How to see the exhibited is actually on each visitor.

Though, it’s a pity most keep busy.

Acquire the sense of “rest” in museum, please!!


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