日本のある街で ドイツからのお遍路さんに出逢う
In a town in Japan, we met a pilgrim from Germany.
救急救命士で 大変なコロナ禍3年を過ごした後
長期休暇をとり 四国88か所をめぐる途中だった
She is an EMT. After spending the hard 3 years of pandemic,
she’d been taking a long holiday
and on the pilgrimage to Shikoku 88 temples.
彼女は寺々を ずっと歩いて回っていた
心地よい速度で 1歩1歩… 着実に前へ♡
It was the hottest season of a year,
yet she was walking around all the ways to temples.
Not in a hurry, slowly…
just following her heart, but for certain,
she was heading forwards at her own comfortable pace.
そこから3週間後 わたし達の街に彼女が来た!! 作品を渡す
Three weeks after that, she came to our town!!
I gifted a painting to her.
それは ぽっと出てきた「栗鼠(りす)」の絵
わたしが想う 彼女のイメージ
It was “a squirrel”,
her image popping into me.
It cares itself much.
The “sincerity” is its charm♡
改めて話して それを再確認する
まっすぐな瞳 丁寧な応対 そこにある「誠実さ」
本当に 温かく美しいひとだった♡
Speaking to her again, we felt it strong.
Her upright eyes, gracious attitudes, based on the “sincerity”
told us how truly warm and beautiful she was♡
Danke Schon, Mari♡
Wishing your health, safety and happiness!!