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COURAGE: やめる勇氣

LIFE 日々想うこと

山に入ると 撤退を余儀なくされることがある

頂上が近く感じられても そんなときは引き返す

行きたい 行けそうな氣もする

あと少し あと少しと 登り切ることもある

A mountain sometimes disengages us from climbing.

Then, even when we’re so near the summit, we turn back.

Or sometimes, we take a risk to the goal

as we wish… and every few steps seem to lead us there.


到達すれば 苦労を消し去る充足感

あきらめてあるのは 敗北感

ただ 踏み止まる決断をしたことには

自分を 大いに褒めてあげたい

On the top, all pains are forgotten and comfort arrives.

Not reaching there, we feel defeated more or less.

Still, we love to applaud for the decision

to check ourselves.



強風 時には雪が襲い

剥き出しになった体を 容赦なく叩く

指先 足先の消えそうな感覚に


吹き飛ばされたら ずり落ちたら… 命はない

Onto the the brows and steep slopes,

a gale or sometimes snow blows.

It also comes over our living bodies, without any mercy.

We put all concentration on the brittle senses

of the fingers and toes.

If we get off or down there, our lives end.






挑戦は美しいが 愚かでもある

時に 死に向かう

挫折はみじめだが 賢くもある


Challenge is apparently romanticised

and makes us silly. It’s easy to take us to death.

Defeat is accompanied by misery, but lets us wise.

You gain the life even in the very end.





自然という生命体に 直に触れ

そこで遊ばしてもらっているには 違いない

畏怖と感謝が 混在して常にある

Giving up, you feel disappointed

but also something positive.

The Gracious Nature still holds you

and gives other opportunities to play there.

Both awe and gratitude are in our hearts, always.  



そして… 山は登り下りだけではない

山すその森を散策したり 季節のものを集めたり


And… a mountain is not only for climbing up and down.

You can walk in the forest at its skirts, collect seasonal items, etc.

There are many approaches to it.





目標へ昇っていく 100点を目指す 成功し金持ちになる

それはそれで素晴らしい! が…

決った道を上へ向かう以外にも 楽しみはある

This can be applied to our lives, too.

Head for the target: get 100 in tests and up the carrier ladder

to be rich. It’s wonderful!

Yet, you can abandon it for other pleasures.





When you try hard enough

and another way is better for you,

encourage the new steps.





Above all…

mountains are not one.



Which you try?               





だからこそ 視野広く穏やかな心で♡

Now aren’t you making glorious New Year resolutions?

Stay open, calm and yourself♡