WELCOME to LOVEACE: ラヴィースのブログにようこそ♡

FEEL: 感じるちから

ARTS アートのお話


肌がざわめく こころが潤う 言葉がうごめく


どれほどひとを ひとにしていくか…

For a while, dedicate yourself to observing a piece.

Then, you would feel the skin stirring, the heart cultivated

and words sprouting up from it.

How precious the time is!!

It educates us to be more human…




Even on a very impressive experience,

some provide only flat feedback.

表現力の問題もあるが それ以前の「感じるちから」が弱い

It’s a matter of their expression…

based on the narrow sense of “catching matters”. 

拙い表現でも 想いがあれば その感動は伝わる

幼子を観てごらんよ!! 感動に溢れている

Once one’s got it, even not articulate, one can represent the views.

Look at toddlers!! Their response is always lively.

心身が凝り固まっている者は 何も氣づかない 

そんな灰色の人生で… 何を語るの? 何が語れるの?

Stiff and unfeeling people cannot see any.

In such a grey life… about what can you talk? What’s the catch?   


だから今 よぉく観てごらん♫

目の前の空でも 自分の手でも よぉく観てごらん♫


言葉にならなくても 何かに心が「動く」まで

So now, carefully… look at something nearby…

like the sky in front or your hand♫

Look until you truly “feel” something,

until it “moves” you, even not draws up any of your words. 


そこから少しずつ あなたの世界が色づき 

あなたから発せられた「感動」の声が 聴こえるといいな♡

From that, a little by a little, your world gets coloured.

And eventually, to our pleasure,

your “energised” voice could be heard♡  



そういう心ほぐしにも… LOVEACEのワークへどうぞ♡ →こちら

For the enlightenment… take our session♡ →Click here.