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LIFE 日々想うこと

ヤマゲラは ひと懐っこい

それは生きることに 唯ただまっすぐだからでもある

自然は素朴で だからこそ美しい

This kind of woodpecker is very friendly.

It’s because they are just straightforward to live. 

Nature is simple, so beautiful.




唯ただ 歩くこと

唯ただ あたたかな布団で眠ること

唯ただ 大切なひとと笑うこと

唯ただ… 生きること

Every day is full of pleasure.

We feel so

just by walking,

by sleeping in warm bed,

by smiling with beloved people…

that is, just by living.



この日々が とても愛おしい♡

With no special events,

we love all these days♡



「生きるとは 創造的である」

それに氣づき それにまっすぐ生きる日々

“Living is a matter of creativity.”

We become aware of it and always put it into practice.



これが1番しあわせだと 感じる

It’s such simple days, but lovely.

We believe this way turns us the happiest.