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WARMING: 寒さを忘れる

AROMA アロマと健康

寒くて 寒くて 暖房を上から下まで求める

正座して 手を腿の下に入れ

背を丸め 足を重ね…

一時したら 逆に重ね…

Feeling cold, so cold… my whole body desired heat,

from the top to the bottom.

Then, I sat on the heels, put the hands under the thighs

bent the back, with one foot over the other…

and after a while, exchanged them.




前から後ろから 左から 右から


Also, I made fine adjustments for a heater

and rotated myself to warm

the front, back, right and left.


それでも 寒くてかなわない

Still, I couldn’t stand the cold.



あの空氣のにごりが 合わない

I knew an air conditioner solves this,

but I didn’t like the stuffy air.


澄んだ空氣と温かさの両立は これほど難しいのか!!

How difficult to obtain both fresh air and warmth!!



と… 想い立つ 「アロマしよう」 と♡


つらいが 少しの間のがまんだ

In a flash, an idea popped: “Aromatherapy”!!

I didn’t want to expose the skin

but I persuaded myself to bear it for a second.



触れると 凝りに凝っている

Applying the oil with aroma to the skin,

I could perceive how stiff the muscles had been.




自然と 集中する

Slowly in no rush,

I massaged myself heart and soul.

Concentration came in peace, naturally.


しばらくして氣づく 寒さがない♫

Some time later, I got aware

of myself not feeling cold any longer♫


手を動かし 体をほぐし


体にこびりついていた 寒さが


Moving the arms and softening the body

I could improve the blood circulation.

That got rid of the cold

that had prevailed in my body.       


特に 温め効果のある



I felt that time

especially Sweet Orange did the job

with its warming effect.




スイートオレンジ ローズ ゼラニウム

The blended oils: Sweet Orange, Rose & Geranium


アロマセラピーについては こちら

For aromatherapy, contact us here