WELCOME to LOVEACE: ラヴィースのブログにようこそ♡

UNWINDING: のんびりと耳をすます

AROMA アロマと健康

鳥の鳴き声に はっていた氣がゆるむ

のどかにいるようでも… 静かに 

鳥たちのおしゃべりに耳を傾けると さらにとろける

奥に残っていた凝りが ぶわーっと鎧を脱ぐ

My tension was released by birds.

Seemingly calm, my heart had been yet partially stiffed.

Listening to the birds in silence,

I became more at ease… as if disarming myself.




Head stopped thinking.



本当のところは もうわからない

Whatever I am, it’s OK any more.

I was actually not sure

why I held the tension so tough.


たぶん… その状態で 


愚かにも 誤解していた

Probably… I may foolishly 

regarded the state as “the loyal guard of mine”.




鳥たちの鳴き声は 本当に自由で

必死に生きる この「今」に満ちている♫

Birds call so freely.

The voices are full of their vitality

at “this present”.


それが 唯ただ美しい

It’s simply beautiful♫







And, the voices are delivered to the world

by sounding in the air… 

to accept and hold all they meet.


その慈愛にほどける… ありがとう♡

Thanks a lot… for the LOVE♡