ワークの展開は 子ども達に「お任せ」♫

We trust kids and their ways of development.      


「助ける*」ときは 用心が必要

それは本当に助けなのか? 自分のエゴじゃないか?

Be cautious when you “help*” somebody.

Is it real help? Not only satisfying your ego?


だいたい 本人が克服できること

できずとも 責任を取れること は多々ある

もどかしくとも 時間がかかっても

それを「見守る」ことが 本当の助けになる

First of all, one can solve most matters

and even in failure, take responsibility.

The solutions would not look well to you.

Still, just observe it. It turns real help.



そんなに ひとは助けられない

Secondly, one cannot help others much.


本人が見つける答え 歩む道を


助ける前に 自分に問うてみる

How much can you trust

one’s decisions and the plans on life?

Ask this before you help others.





What help can you do

without trusting them well?





だからこそ ひとの持つ


Helping gets easier

and trusting gets tougher…

So we’d love trust

the “trust” in us❤




幸運にも それは学べる♫

Luckily, we can learn it

through great nature and novels♫



*命に関わる支援は 当然行われるべきこと

この「助ける」は 次の「共育」の段階におけることです

*Sure enough, any life supports should be done.

This “help” is recognised in the next stage of “social education”.