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TALK: 話の素

LIFE 日々想うこと

アートを介すことで 深い話もできるワークショップ♫

With arts, we can talk deep in our workshops♫



深い話ができるひとに 惹かれる

We are attracted by people

who can do talk deep, not just easy.


そこの差は 学力じゃなくて「経験値」

The gap is made by “life experience”, not intelligence.



だから 仕事onlyなひとはつまらない

話に幅も 奥行きも 魅力もない

(騒ぐ熱量のあるひとは… いる)

So, people only on business are boring.

Their talk has no width, no depth nor charm.

(Some of them have energy… to make merry, though.)



だから 色んなところへ旅しているひと

色んな本を読んでいるひと 色んな芸術に触れているひとに

逢いたい 逢いたい 逢いたい♡ 話を聴きたい

So, we’d love♡ to meet visit encounter and listen to

people who e.g. travel to many places,

read many books and are in touch with many arts.  


それも たとえば旅なら

そこでひとと出逢い 歴史を学び 文化を体験し

そこで得たことを さらに追及して

深めようと乞う それを愉しめるひと

Additionally, for instance, in travel

those can enjoy and by making further questions

pursue all matters they get

from talking to the local, learning the history

and experiencing the cultures, deeper.



その情熱がまた 新たな行動を生む


Even though the knowledge is not enough,

the passion for the answers causes next action.

Such attitude draws our attention♡ 



そう 体力的な熱量ではなく 熱い想いに!!

Yes, it’s about the soul, not the physical work!!


とある親戚は 小児麻痺を患い 生涯田舎の小さな街に生きた

だが彼は テレビを通して 色んな世界を吸収し

俳人として 本まで出版した♫ 

One of my relatives suffered from polio

and spent his whole life only in a small town in the countryside.

Though, through TV, he absorbed many perspectives

and even published a book as a haiku poet♫       


観たことを 自分のものにできるまで

探求に探求を重ね 自分が動ける範囲での経験と合わせ!!


Until he grasped what he’d watched, by all his senses,

he longed to comprehend it more

and eventually, gave me interesting stories♫ 

supported by his own experiences!!  



アタマだけで組み立てた話は 褪せている

アタマとこころ 身体全部で掴んだ 経験からの話は

そのひとと同じように きらきらしている!!

Story made up in brain is dull,

but that from experience fully covered

by one’s body and soul

is so bright like the speaker!! 


わたし達は そういう話をしている

そして そういう話を聴きたい!!

We’re talking in the way,

and want more of such stories!! 



体験が話に伴うとき その話は唯一無二となる

その「今」が深まり 色濃く映りだす

Experience based story is only one,

never heard in other places.

The “moment” is appreciated deep 

and described deep.


だから 話のおもしろいひとは

ものすごく真摯に 人生を歩んでいると想う

自分の人生を 熱く熱く♡

So, we think attractive story tellers

are fully alive, sincerely for themselves.

They are hot♡ really.


深い話 しませんか?

Why don’t we talk deep?